Oh Bio! Oberto

Steve David, Greg Hopp and Jon Zimmerman Dash for Cash. Photo by Owen Blauman

Steve David made history in the Charter Business Dash for Cash when he won the three lap event burning Biofuel in the 6 Oh Boy! Oberto.

David started outside of JW Myers in the 11 Miss Peters and May, Jon Zimmerman in the 9 Les Schwab/Sound Propeller Services and Greg Hopp in the 100 Leland Unlimited and didn’t take the lead until the final lap.

Hopp finished 2nd, Zimmerman was 3rd and Myers 4th.

The Biofuel project is headed up by former Boeing President/CEO Scott Carson who has been working with engineers from the Tri-Cities campus of Washington State University and PNNL.

Plans called for Webster Racing’s 22 Great Scott! to test the biofuel, but the boat did not make the trip West following a devastating accident at the Gold Cup in Detroit and the Oberto team agreed to supply the test bed during the Friday event.

Carson called the test a success, saying the plant-based fuel performed up to or exceeded expectations while powering the Oberto to the victory.

“The temperatures and overall performance were as good as the regular fuel,” he said. “In fact they may have been a little better.”

H1 Chairman Sam Cole added, “We really want to thank Scott and the WSU engineers for the time and effort they have put into the biofuel project and for moving us closer to the day when our entire sport can go green.”

Published On: July 27th, 2012Categories: Team News

Oh Bio! Oberto

Steve David, Greg Hopp and Jon Zimmerman Dash for Cash. Photo by Owen Blauman

Steve David made history in the Charter Business Dash for Cash when he won the three lap event burning Biofuel in the 6 Oh Boy! Oberto.

David started outside of JW Myers in the 11 Miss Peters and May, Jon Zimmerman in the 9 Les Schwab/Sound Propeller Services and Greg Hopp in the 100 Leland Unlimited and didn’t take the lead until the final lap.

Hopp finished 2nd, Zimmerman was 3rd and Myers 4th.

The Biofuel project is headed up by former Boeing President/CEO Scott Carson who has been working with engineers from the Tri-Cities campus of Washington State University and PNNL.

Plans called for Webster Racing’s 22 Great Scott! to test the biofuel, but the boat did not make the trip West following a devastating accident at the Gold Cup in Detroit and the Oberto team agreed to supply the test bed during the Friday event.

Carson called the test a success, saying the plant-based fuel performed up to or exceeded expectations while powering the Oberto to the victory.

“The temperatures and overall performance were as good as the regular fuel,” he said. “In fact they may have been a little better.”

H1 Chairman Sam Cole added, “We really want to thank Scott and the WSU engineers for the time and effort they have put into the biofuel project and for moving us closer to the day when our entire sport can go green.”

Published On: July 27th, 2012Categories: Team News