Update to Chairman’s Corner: Tri-Cities

Steve_David_No_Logos_CropFriends, thank you for your responses and recommendations.
We have previously discussed allowing what the fan sees in the final to be the result they leave with. Then, we could review video, interview the drivers etc. in a more calm environment and if a call should me made, we can apply the appropriate penalty during the week.
Yesterday’s events may help expedite that vote within the Board of H1.
Allowing that time to consider all views may have led to a different penalty, or perhaps just monetary fines or point deductions or maybe the same decision. The pressure on our officials is intense.
I believe in our referees and our turn judges. I believe in their integrity and their sincere desire to do the right thing. I’ve been on the side if calls I didn’t agree with. I understand the outrage and while I don’t appreciate it, I understand the cheap shots against us well.
But I’m the leader, and if there is blame, let it be at me, not well intentioned and good hearted H1 volunteers.
I have spoken with Mark Mason of Homestreet Bank. I’ve rarely met a more respectful and thoughtful CEO.
He and his team are focused on winning, not laying blame. The same is true for Charlie Grooms, team manager of the U-1.
In summary, your recommendations for improvement will not be ignored.
And as some of you mentioned you did to me, so too have I deleted a few “friends” today, such is my weakness.
Published On: August 1st, 2016Categories: Series News, Tri-Cities

Update to Chairman’s Corner: Tri-Cities

Steve_David_No_Logos_CropFriends, thank you for your responses and recommendations.
We have previously discussed allowing what the fan sees in the final to be the result they leave with. Then, we could review video, interview the drivers etc. in a more calm environment and if a call should me made, we can apply the appropriate penalty during the week.
Yesterday’s events may help expedite that vote within the Board of H1.
Allowing that time to consider all views may have led to a different penalty, or perhaps just monetary fines or point deductions or maybe the same decision. The pressure on our officials is intense.
I believe in our referees and our turn judges. I believe in their integrity and their sincere desire to do the right thing. I’ve been on the side if calls I didn’t agree with. I understand the outrage and while I don’t appreciate it, I understand the cheap shots against us well.
But I’m the leader, and if there is blame, let it be at me, not well intentioned and good hearted H1 volunteers.
I have spoken with Mark Mason of Homestreet Bank. I’ve rarely met a more respectful and thoughtful CEO.
He and his team are focused on winning, not laying blame. The same is true for Charlie Grooms, team manager of the U-1.
In summary, your recommendations for improvement will not be ignored.
And as some of you mentioned you did to me, so too have I deleted a few “friends” today, such is my weakness.
Published On: August 1st, 2016Categories: Series News, Tri-Cities