Leland Unlimited Makes Driver Change

Ryan Mallow

At Leland Unlimited, owner Stacy Briseno has announced major changes to the race team.  Those include elevation of Ryan Mallow to driver of the 100, replacing long time driver Greg Hopp.

“This was certainly a hard decision to make,” said Briseno. “We feel that our new lineup will improve the cohesiveness and communication within the team and we will be able to get everyone going the same direction.”

Briseno continued, “Parting ways with Greg was a difficult thing to do, and we certainly wish him the best in the future.”

Mallow qualified as a driver in the 100 in 2010 and drove the team’s second entry at Tri-Cities and Seattle in 2012.

The 100 Leland Unlimited team for Doha and 2013 – Driver Ryan Mallow, Crew Chief Kevin Peterson, Team Coordinator Renee Peterson, Dyno Operations Blake Johnson, 

Crew – Steve Peterson, David Lemon, Joshua Culver, Colby Courser and Barney Tavenner will make the trip to Doha.  Jay Sedrowski,  Chris Kilstrom and Chad Eagon will join the team following the Oryx Cup.

Published On: October 8th, 2012Categories: Team News, Driver News

Leland Unlimited Makes Driver Change

Ryan Mallow

At Leland Unlimited, owner Stacy Briseno has announced major changes to the race team.  Those include elevation of Ryan Mallow to driver of the 100, replacing long time driver Greg Hopp.

“This was certainly a hard decision to make,” said Briseno. “We feel that our new lineup will improve the cohesiveness and communication within the team and we will be able to get everyone going the same direction.”

Briseno continued, “Parting ways with Greg was a difficult thing to do, and we certainly wish him the best in the future.”

Mallow qualified as a driver in the 100 in 2010 and drove the team’s second entry at Tri-Cities and Seattle in 2012.

The 100 Leland Unlimited team for Doha and 2013 – Driver Ryan Mallow, Crew Chief Kevin Peterson, Team Coordinator Renee Peterson, Dyno Operations Blake Johnson, 

Crew – Steve Peterson, David Lemon, Joshua Culver, Colby Courser and Barney Tavenner will make the trip to Doha.  Jay Sedrowski,  Chris Kilstrom and Chad Eagon will join the team following the Oryx Cup.

Published On: October 8th, 2012Categories: Team News, Driver News